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Company of Paintings, Waterproofing and Pavements - Eurocampi


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PhoneTel: +34 972 59 69 19

PhoneFax: +34 972 17 13 42



Error, oficina (en): Error, direcc (en)Carretera de Girona a Banyoles Km 10,8. 17843 Palol de Revardit (Girona)


All the data you have provided us shall be introduced into and treated in an automated data file belonging to Eurocampi, hereafter Eurocampi, properly enrolled before the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data, properly enrolled before the Data Protection Spanish Agency, specially designed to meet the current relationship.
Such data are confidential and belong solely to Eurocampi, who is the responsible for the file and is located at Carretera de Girona a Banyoles Km 10,8 17843 Palol de Revardit (Girona) España
You are authorized to access, modify, cancel and deny the processing of the mentioned data by writing directly to the address specified above.

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